“Pavia 1525, the city, the arts and the battle”

Castello Visconteo, settembre-dicembre 2025

Exhibition of Tapestries from the Museum and Royal Wood of Capodimonte and art objects from Pavia in the 16th century.

The exhibition, curated by Francesco Frangi, Pietro Cesare Marani, Mauro Natale and Laura Aldovini as well as by Carmine Romano, intends – on the one hand – to give back to the general public the splendid artistic and cultural flowering that the city of Pavia he met in the Renaissance, in the historical phase that precedes and leads to the somewhat catastrophic event of 1525, on the other hand to surprise the visitor with the depiction of the battle, conceived and created a few years later, in the spectacular tapestries of the Capodimonte Museum, exceptionally loaned for the Cinquecentenary, woven in the years 1530-1532 from the Flemish manufacture of Jan and Willem Dermoyen to designs by Bernard von Orley.